Joined: May 30, 2009
Posts: 387
Posted: Post subject: hebrews ch.5 verses 12-14 |
for though by this time you ought to be teachers,you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles(sayings) of God;and you have come to need milk and not solid food.13.for everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness,for he is a babe.14.but solid food belongs to those who are of full age(mature),that is,those who by reason of use(practice) have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.............Let us study on these verses with prayer and patience seeking the Lords guidance and direction.These scriptures say more then I ever could.I have been lead to say that encouraging your child to stand before a congregation or to open a chatroom online with their hearts full of a new thing and their minds still battling their not so old ideas or ways of processing info is not helping their growth in Christ at all.If anything they should be told to be quiet and to listen and to read in the word of God daily.When they speak before receiving a clear understanding,they only become confused and will follow almost everyone.Their doctrine isn't sound because their foundation hasn't completely dried.It is in Gods time not ours that we are pushed out of the nest and sent on a journey so until then we must study and pray and seek the kingdom of God.I pray this is a help to someone and I pray that your today is better then your yesterday.GBU